We talk about burning off fat, but where do those pounds actually go when when we lose them? The answer may surprise you…
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We talk about burning off fat, but where do those pounds actually go when when we lose them? The answer may surprise you…
Read more >Fasting isn’t for everyone, but if you are considering incorporating fasting into your routine, take a look at these tips on how to do it in a healthy way…
Read more >It’s not always easy to tell when your child is sick—especially if they have a talent for faking it. Here are six ways to tell if your child is really sick…
Read more >Almost everyone has pulled an all nighter at some point in their lives—but what happens to your body when you don’t get the sleep you need and what are the long term effects?
Read more >Need fast relief from a seasonal or sudden illness but not sure what’s safe to take and what could do harm to your baby? Try this guide if you can’t reach your doctor…
Read more >Legionnaires’ disease may be an illness you’ve never heard of, but it can quickly become a health threat to affected communities when an outbreak occurs…
Read more >Meet Dr. David Filsoof one of MeMD’s board-certified physicians. Learn what game inspired him to become a doctor and take note of his tips for staying well this cold and flu season…
Read more >Millions of Americans experience chronic and acute back pain, which often originates with these seemingly harmless habits that slowly cause damage over time…
Read more >Halloween treats aren’t always healthy, but there are some easy ways to turn more wholesome ingredients into spooky treats that won’t weigh you down…
Read more >If you’ve ever experienced back pain, chances are, your doctor has recommended exercise to relieve your pain. Or maybe you don’t have back pain now but you want to prevent it in…
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