We talk about burning off fat, but where do those pounds actually go when when we lose them? The answer may surprise you…
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We talk about burning off fat, but where do those pounds actually go when when we lose them? The answer may surprise you…
Read more >Knowing when you are most likely to be pushed into a bad mood during the day can help you schedule important meetings and events accordingly…
Read more >An eyelid twitch, which can feel like an involuntary shutter or a shiver in the eye, can be related to one or more of the following common causes…
Read more >Warts are a common skin condition, which can range from an aesthetic annoyance to a painful disturbance – but can you “catch them” from someone else?
Read more >Here’s why you shouldn’t make a habit of ignoring nature’s call when you’ve really gotta go… otherwise, urine for some trouble…
Read more >You may snot think twice reaching for a tissue to blow your nose, but sneak a peek next time – the color of your mucus can say a lot about your health.
Read more >Are you cleaning your ears correctly? Before you reach for a Q-tip or light up an ear candle, talk to your doctor about how to properly clean out your ears.
Read more >Knowing what is causing your excessive sweat or unusual body odor can be helpful in managing the problem as well as identifying any potential health issues.
Read more >There are a number of different causes that could be behind your loss of balance — and at times dizziness can indicate a very serious medical condition.
Read more >You got an intense workout in at the gym and you’re feeling great! That is until you wake up the next morning barely able to move. What’s the deal? Find out in this week’s Body Odd piece…
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