Higher death rates are consistently observed in the winter, and many of these deaths are attributable to cardiovascular disease. But why is this the case?
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Higher death rates are consistently observed in the winter, and many of these deaths are attributable to cardiovascular disease. But why is this the case?
Read more >Ahchoo! From not sneezing in your sleep to suffering from a sneeze attack, here’s everything you’ve ever wondered about sneezing answered.
Read more >When you spend an extended period of time in the water—your fingers, toes, and feet get wrinkly and puckered. So why does this happen?
Read more >Was it something you ate? The colors you’ve chosen to wear? Your blood type? Researchers seem to have finally found the answer as to why mosquitos pick you.
Read more >We’ve all experienced the slightly unpleasant sensation of “pins and needles” when a hand or foot falls asleep, but what’s actually causing you to lose feeling?
Read more >How is it that an organ with such amazing capabilities as the skin can let you feel so much pain when you sustain an injury as small as a paper cut?
Read more >When it comes to attraction, your nose knows what’s best. What feels like random attraction to you is actually a series of chemical reactions that take place primarily in your nose.
Read more >Loss of appetite is a well-documented symptom of a number of illnesses and could leave you eating less while you are sick for a couple of reasons.
Read more >Never leave home without lip balm to soothe your chapped skin? If you find yourself compulsively applying the stuff, you may be addicted to your chapstick!
Read more >Why do we yawn? The center of many a scientific study, researchers have several theories about the science behind this contagious phenomenon.
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