Intermittent fasting is probably a trend you’ve overheard coworkers talking up around the office, and naturally you are left to wonder: Is it an effective weight loss method or just another unhealthy fad?
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Intermittent fasting is probably a trend you’ve overheard coworkers talking up around the office, and naturally you are left to wonder: Is it an effective weight loss method or just another unhealthy fad?
Read more >It may surprise you how your relationships—romantic and otherwise—affect your different mealtime habits and preferences without you even realizing it…
Read more >Trying to eat a little cleaner and trim unnecessary calories from your diet? Don’t derail your hard work by accidentally reaching for the wrong “healthy” foods…
Read more >With the holiday season in full swing, you may find carols in the air and unhealthy temptation all around. Here are a dozen holiday foods you should avoid…
Read more >While obesity is a serious epidemic among Americans, it may come as a surprise that in the era of excess weight gain, many adults are actually malnourished.
Read more >As they say, you are what you eat. How you choose to fuel your body can help determine whether you go for the gold… or end up sitting on the sidelines.
Read more >What’s good for you and what’s not? Our tips can guide you toward the right diet for your body, rather than generic nutritional guidelines that don’t work.
Read more >Regardless of your geographical location, the numerous health benefits that come as a result of Mediterranean style diet might just have you saying opa!
Read more >While exercise is helpful for losing weight, you won’t see real results without also making changes to your diet. Try these easy habits for better eating…
Read more >Do you live in the U.S.? There’s a good chance you’re low on vitamin D. Spot early signs of a deficiency and discover reliable sources of the nutrient.
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